Ritual and Ceremonial Offerings

“Ritual, like art, is a child of imagination, but the ritual imagination requires an invention, a constantly renewed structure, on the basis of which a bodily and communal enactment is possible. Unlike some other forms of creativity, imagining ritually cannot transpire merely ‘in the head’ but is necessarily embodied and social. Furthermore, the imaginative is not the opposite of the real. Rather, imagining is a way of transforming and renewing the real.” – Ronald L. Grimes, excerpted from Deeply Into The Bone

In my studies, I’ve learned that it’s a little hard to define what ritual is, because it can be almost anything! Some of my approach to ritual goes like this: I believe that ritual helps us shape, process, and integrate our lived experiences. I believe ritual is about making meaning from what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen. I believe ritual is a way of locating ourselves in space and time while also inviting the liminal and the presence of possibility. I believe ritual can be lots of fun!

If you’ve landed on this page, you may be searching for a way to shape the meaning of a significant life event. I am delighted to offer resources, guidance, and a lot of creative work and energy towards ritual or ceremony that will help shape this time in your life.

It’s my deep joy and honor to work with folks in crafting:

  • weddings
  • lifecycle celebrations
  • funerals and celebrations of life
  • gender affirmation/celebration rituals
  • rituals to honor divorce or the end of significant relationships
  • grief rituals
  • joy rituals

and so many more! If you don’t see exactly what you are looking for in this list, feel welcome to send me some information about the kind of ritual you’d like, and I’ll be delighted to see if it’s something I can support you in creating.